How can an old tradition such as the Mate ritual relate with knew technologies, without losing its function?
In this project I decided to analyze this South American tradition, looking at it from a new angle. 
My goal was to find a new design language, through new materials and forms, to describe this old custom, without changing anything to the ritual itself. 
Mate is a symbol of friendship and fellowship. It is the first thing you are supposed to offer a guest. Something you share with other people. As a matter of fact, during the ritual, everybody drinks from the same cup, sharing the straw. 
I have mainly worked with experiments, trying new techniques such as 3d modelling and printing.  
I also tried out new materials and sometimes had to accept things not turning out as I expected them.
I decided to tear apart the tools necessary for the Mate ritual, the calabaza (the cup) & the bombilla (the filtering straw), searching for a new and different way to combine them.
What came out, in the end, is a series of four handmade ceramic cups, each one unique in shape and colour, corresponding to four 3D printed filters. In addition, a simple glass straw, to be inserted in the filters.
The clean and geometrical structure of the filters contrasts with the organic shapes of the ceramics, giving a new face to this thousand- year-old ritual.
Ceramic Mate Set III
Ceramic Mate Set III
Gold & Silver plated Mate Filters (no. I, II, III, IV)
Gold & Silver plated Mate Filters (no. I, II, III, IV)
Ceramic Mate no. I, II, III, IV
Ceramic Mate no. I, II, III, IV
Ceramic Mate Set no. II
Ceramic Mate Set no. II
Ceramic Mate no. IV
Ceramic Mate no. IV
Ceramic Mate Set no. I
Ceramic Mate Set no. I
Silver plated Brass Filter (no. IV)
Silver plated Brass Filter (no. IV)
Ceramic Mate Set no. I
Ceramic Mate Set no. I
Ceramic Mate Set no. IV
Ceramic Mate Set no. IV
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