IDENTITAS earrings - sterling silver and iron wire
Two places.
The microcosm of a drawer and the mighty silhouet- te of mountains.
Two metaphors.
The drawer a snapshot of my life.
So many little things, objects that tell something about me.
Postcards and stickers, crammed in the back.
A climbing pass that hasn’t been used for too long. My Italian ID.
A plectrum.
Negative films.
And this little engraved dog tag.
What I am in a series of objects.
Still, not everything fits into this drawer. One item that always accompanies me cannot be stowed the- re. Familiar silhouettes, the background and stage of so many of my memories.
My beloved mountains. Catinaccio.
Corno Nero.
Sella. Marmolada.
Cotopaxi. Rumiñahui. Sincholahua. Illinizas.
Shapes familiar to me. Spread out on the world map.
Two places that define me. One piece of jewellery. Gioiello.
Me. Io.
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