Brooch/Necklace - Gilded brass, photographic negative, glass, cork and synthetic thread
Brooch/Necklace - Gilded brass, photographic negative, glass, cork and synthetic thread
A bittersweet feeling. A state of mind.
Longing for a loved one. For a place.
For something new.
For a moment...
A very specific moment.
A very specific piece of life.
What if you could carry it with you, this moment you’re longing for?
Carry it with you as a piece of jewellery?
This one piece of life, captured in a negative. This moment that has been lived, that is over, that will never be again, held forever.
With this brooch, which can also be worn as a necklace, a single moment becomes a constant companion. A companion that can, however, always be changed. After all, we’re not always longing for the same moment.
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